
Tours From Tangier - Panoramic Moroccan Tours

Tours From Tangier

Panoramicn Moroccan Tours

Feel Free to plan your trip:

Otherwise, if the suggested tours did not satisfy your needs; just contact us from the contact page and let the “Panoramic Moroccan Tours” group know where and when you would like to visit, with a detailed program of what you want from your trip.

Tours From Tangier

"Panoramic Moroccan Tours" organizes special tours from Tangier to the imperial cities and Sahara desert as well. Accompanied with PMT, you will explore the cities’ glamour in Morocco, and you will enjoy a camel ride in the Sahara desert as well as an overnight in a private camp in nomad tents at the foot of the golden dunes.

Tours From Tangier

"Panoramic Moroccan Tours" organizes special tours from Tangier to the imperial cities and Sahara desert as well. Accompanied with PMT, you will explore the cities’ glamour in Morocco, and you will enjoy a camel ride in the Sahara desert as well as an overnight in a private camp in nomad tents at the foot of the golden dunes.